Lely Turf Blog

How to Assemble Your Lely WFR Spreader


Setting up a Lely WFR spreader may seem complex, but with the right guidance, you’ll have it assembled in no time. Below is a step-by-step guide to ensure you assemble your new commercial broadcast spreader correctly and efficiently.

Step 1: Prepare the Wheel, Tire, and Extension Assembly

To start, unbolt the extension from the wheel and tire assembly. These parts are shipped bolted together to save space, so this initial step is necessary before proceeding.

Step 2: Attach the Extension to the Hub

Once the extension is separated, bolt it to the spreader hub. This connects the extension securely to the main body of the spreader.

Step 3: Reassemble the Wheel and Tire

With the extension in place, attach the wheel and tire assembly back onto the extension.

Step 4: Install the Tongue Assembly

Next, remove the pins from the main frame where the tongue assembly connects. Insert the tongue into the mainframe assembly and replace the pins to secure it.

Step 5: Connect the Transmission Linkage

The final step is attaching the transmission linkage. Connect it to both the tongue lever and the transmission. For most cases, start by positioning the linkage in the middle holes of both the tongue and transmission levers. This setting provides a balanced starting point for your spreader.

Ready to Use

Once all steps are completed, your Lely WFR spreader is ready to go! If you have questions or need further assistance, reach out to your local Lely Turf dealer or contact Lely Turf directly.

Final Tips

Proper assembly is crucial for effective performance and long-lasting equipment. For additional support, check out Lely’s instructional resources or contact our team.


broadcast spreader Lely WFR